Having suffered recently at the hands of Scunthorpe, I feel entitled to a little revenge, however petty and small-minded. As they say, it’s best eaten cold; and it’s better late than never. So I’m grateful to a friend for highlighting the following, courtesy of Wikopedia:
“In 1996 there was controversy when AOL’s obscenity filter (among others) refused to accept the name of the town. Some online forums display the name as S****horpe, while fark.com would display it as Scoonthorpe. This situation is known in the computing world as the Scunthorpe Problem..
In 2007 a senior manager at a local employer, Nisa-Today, made remarks about the town which brought criticism from residents. John Baines, senior trading controller for the company, made the comments at a trade conference where he said one of the town's major industries was 'handbag theft', that local women wear 'mattresses on their backs in case they meet someone they know' and that if you wanted to 'know what Scunthorpe looked like in the 1970s...go there today'. The comments were published online by the trade journal Off-Licence News and reprinted in the Scunthorpe Telegraph. Mr Baines later apologised if his remarks caused any offence and that they were meant in a light-hearted manner.
In 1981 the comedian and writer Spike Milligan published a book Spike Milligan, Indefinite Articles and Scunthorpe. The inclusion of the town's name in a comedy book caused much anger in the area to which Milligan replied, "We should like the people of Scunthorpe to know that the references to Scunthorpe are nothing personal. It is a joke, as is Scunthorpe".
“In 1996 there was controversy when AOL’s obscenity filter (among others) refused to accept the name of the town. Some online forums display the name as S****horpe, while fark.com would display it as Scoonthorpe. This situation is known in the computing world as the Scunthorpe Problem..
In 2007 a senior manager at a local employer, Nisa-Today, made remarks about the town which brought criticism from residents. John Baines, senior trading controller for the company, made the comments at a trade conference where he said one of the town's major industries was 'handbag theft', that local women wear 'mattresses on their backs in case they meet someone they know' and that if you wanted to 'know what Scunthorpe looked like in the 1970s...go there today'. The comments were published online by the trade journal Off-Licence News and reprinted in the Scunthorpe Telegraph. Mr Baines later apologised if his remarks caused any offence and that they were meant in a light-hearted manner.
In 1981 the comedian and writer Spike Milligan published a book Spike Milligan, Indefinite Articles and Scunthorpe. The inclusion of the town's name in a comedy book caused much anger in the area to which Milligan replied, "We should like the people of Scunthorpe to know that the references to Scunthorpe are nothing personal. It is a joke, as is Scunthorpe".
Local Vicar here. You are so right about Scumthorpe, as was the late Spike. However, they have managed to highlight a real weakness in the team-winning easy games!
I noticed a press article yesterday, which pointed out that the Premiership is now the biggest sporting brand in the world.
It saddens me that a club like ours does not just really go for it to get back up there and stay there. We need to throw money at the situation, buy better players and build a better squad.
Otherwise we could be stuck in this league for years, watching second rate football.
Hey Vicar,
You just might need to put a word in with your friend upstairs with regard to improving the state of club finances.
The club doesn't have a bob in relation to player values in the present transfer market. Well BA?
We have to go forward with the squad we got otherwise....
Hope youv'e lit the candles for tonight Vicar and we stuff that lot.
Vicar here again
I can see why you may think we can only go forward with the squad we have but that just means we will have little or no success this year or next.
As for tonight, just off to light the candles now!
What Planet are you revolving round Vicar? We are doing the best we can with the players we have and i reckon we will go up this season.
The extra cash, if used well, could allow us to build our squad etc. Lets enjoy today and not worry about tomorrow just yet.
Where are you BA? All okay?
Where is the build up for tonight?
I need a fix of optimism. I am a grown man, a wife and kids but tonight means so much. I admit it, this fixture is my cup final.
I can't concentrate at work, I should have never come in. Sorry to the Vicar and anybody else, I hate that lot.
Pards it is not just a game too me. It is them, we have to win.
I'm OK and around, it's just that small issues like work have a habit of interrupting the flow. Besides, the vicar was doing fine on his own (which as a life-long atheist is not easy to say).
Tonight it's time, as Michael Caine said in The Man Who Would Be King, to 'polish up your buckles, shove ramrods up your jacksie and act bold'. I shall be there shouting and screaming and biting everything along with the rest. But let's just remember it is only a football match.
Must rehearse my line for tonight if they score
"Stop chucking those bloody spears at me"
If we win, can I keep Jordan's head in my rucksack?
Pembury Addick
Ah BA Good to see you in the land of the living. Vicar here. A solid comment about the passion of the game but it is only a game.
Life long atheist eh? I love a challenge!
Have a great, safe evening my friends and God Speed
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